Thursday 11 October 2018

Camerawork: Photo Storyboard

Establishing Shot (ES):
(Wide Shot)

This shot gives the audience an idea of the setting and where this storyboard will take place, in this case it is the fire escape stairs of a school. This also suggests that the characters within this storyboard are either students or teachers.

Over-the-shoulder (OTS):

This shot introduces the characters to the audience and suggests the relationship between the 2 characters. In this shot we can see that the characters are having a conversation between them, by the hand gestures we can infer that this could be an argument or they are trying to explain something in order to settle something.

Medium Shot (MS):

This shot shows that this discussion/argument is being continued and has now shifted to a different location - by the edge of the fire escape which could suggest danger. The 'X' above them also suggests that their opinions are clashing and that there is no understanding between them hence the circle in the middle.

Long Shot (LS): 

This shot shows that the interactions between these 2 characters has escalated and one of them is now carrying out the act of pushing the other off the fire escape. The sudden shift in the atmosphere would most likely cause the reader to feel some kind of shock.

Close-Up (CU):

This shot makes it clear to the audience that this character did not survive the fall and that he was pushed off rather than jumping off himself.

Extreme Close-Up (XCU):

This shot just further confirms the fact that this character was killed and fills the audience with fear and shock.

Medium Close-Up (MCU):

The fact that the character's clothes aren't straight also suggests he is dead as usually you would fix this. In addition, another characters foot can be seen in the image, this creates tension for the audience as we don't know who this character is and what they will do upon stealing the body.

Unusual Perspective: 

This camera angle allows us to see both of the characters from above to allow us, the audience to clearly see what is currently happening. Here we can see that the boy actor is dead and the girl is now coming to terms with what she has done.

High Angle: 

This camera angle makes it seem as though he is weak which represents the fact that he is dead.

Low Angle: 

This camera angle gives us greater understanding of what is happening within this scene.

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